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title .I found my biggest hurdles were what was in my mind. I honestly thought people would care what I wore. Don’t get me wrong, they do, but only from a sense of decency. Wearing leggings under shorts is not indecent. Nor is it anything to do with sexuality. Sports stars wear them and guess what, not one of them instantly turned gay from doing it. Once again, if you wear them with dignity by wearing shorts over, there is nothing to fear. Only those who do not or at least do not have a longer t-shirt
title .For anyone who says, you need to be homo to wear leggings are usually insecure people. They either are jealous of how good you look in them or have deep insecurities of their own sexuality. Most won’t even notice you in them nor will they care if you are wearing them with dignity. The key is to wear them in a way that looks as normal as possible. i.e. in a way that doesn’t draw unnecessary attention to yourself. This will mean ensuring your look still makes you look like a guy. I wear mens 2XU sports leggings under running shorts, long sleeve slim fit run top, snapback cap, Nike sneakers or high tops and have that ‘just came from the
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