Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 2, 2023

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title . There are other things to possibly set people off, such as Yukon Cornelius whipping his dogs and the Santa and liking it, apparently, but maybe that’s giving this rather silly cartoon a bit too much thought. I do remain rather disturbed by Hermey extracting the Abominable’s teeth without anesthesia, however, but what’re you gonna do? Some of the criticisms seem off-base. One tweeter posted the following image: Except everyone accepts Rudolph and apologizes to him before anyone knows what his nose is good for. If Santa had decided to cancel Christmas and then thought about Rudolph and sought him for his glowing nose, that would be one thing, but it’s not the case. I had to rewatch the show to be reminded of this myself. My final verdict is that the show is not actually preaching for discrimination, it’s preaching against it, though its sexist undertones can be seen as problematic. I’m surprised there were no tweets about that. Frankly, I’m more annoyed by all the musical numbers that stop the story dead in its tracks and feel like the filler that they are. I feel they could have focused less on the musical numbers and more on the animation.



That concludes a “story arc” then you spend another 10 hours or so prepping the Michael Myers A Real Man Will Chase Affter You Halloween T Shirt arc, doing the same process but upping the stakes this time, re-using NPCs that survived, and building off how the players resolved the previous story arc. I am now introducing a neighboring kingdom that is at war with their barony. They will now be tested in full warfare against an enemy state. That’s how the next arc in the campaign is developing. Eventually I’ll bring in demons and extra planar nonsense when they hit the higher levels. But I’ll worry about that when we get there.

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