Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2023

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title . You’re living a  country where one Repub president was voted into office because he’d hosted a TV show for GE, another because he was the previous president’s son, and a third because he’d been on TV in The Apprentice. Too. Late. The guy bounces and throws a ball really well. His political leaning should be of zero influence to a free-thinking person. If he really cared about the well being of others he’d stand against China’s aggression to Taiwan, Their breach of human rights in Hong Kong. Their abuse, Torture, and Brainwashing of Uighur Muslims and perhaps be vocal about.


title .The Falun Gong practitioners being a victim to organ harvesting that goes unspoken about in the Socialist Republic of NBA. LMAO. The same guy who wouldn’t say shit about what China was doing to Hong Kong. The Democrats just don’t get it. They pick this clown after having Bill Clinton speak right after pics of him leaked getting a massage by an Epstein victim. Talk about self-owning. Nah? I guess like a good little Marxist He doesn’t want Trump having another term because it’ll damage relations with the NBA and China perhaps? The Democratic party is all unfit for office. Their main focus right now is either creating public unrest or rhetoric against Trump. But the scandals they have in their own ranks go unspoken about. Anyone who dares open their mouths gets canceled or de-platformed.

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