Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2023

Doc Seven Dwarfs shirt

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title .Throng is a High Priest: (11th level). I’ll keep him comfortably ahead of the player characters in level. He leads a circleof holy, mid-level Paladins, who are at his beckon. He also leads a brigade of lower level Fighters; they guard the town from the Gush Family (Orcs) and from other invaders. Should the players get over their head (TPK), I might usher Throng in to save them. I haven’t had to do that yet. Throng has a legendary resistance 1/day: succeed on a failed save. He can also call on an Angel 1/month (celestial), should he need help. How? Divine blessing.


title .The Byrds: They were as popular as the Beatles during 65–66 when they innovated and came up withrock album ever . Then they became more adventurous musically pioneering psychedelic rock and then country rock . Without these sounds there would have been no Eagles,Tom Petty&HB or REM and a host of modern bands . However they could never attain mainstream success in their later stage The Grateful Dead : Though they were phenomenal and very successful live, main stream chart success eluded them. But they are the best band in universe for devoted dead heads Velvet Underground (VU) : One of the most influential bands ever but never enjoyed main stream success . VU made the foundation for the growth of alternative rock during 90s Caravan : They are a Brit Progressive rock band of 70s who developed the Canterbury sound and were unlike other contemporary prog rock bands like ELP, Yes, Genesis , JT etc . They have only developed cult following The Feelies : Probably the first band that played alternative rock when that genre was not invented . They influenced REM, Yo La Tengo and many others

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