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title .“Actually Josh, this is a really big special grown up secret, so if I tell you, you can’t tell any kids or your sister, ok!” He was good with that, and kind of excited to know theSanta Claus. This is how I explained it. “Santa is real, Santa is based on a real man name Nicholas, who many, many years ago snuck around giving presents at Christmas time to all the children in his village. He has passed that tradition now onto each generation that followed. So when he died the children he had given to became Santas to their families and then their kids grew up and did the same and then their kids grew up and did the same, and now your dad and I do the same for you and Bek and one day, you will do the same for your kids too!” Well, you Couldn’t contain his excitement! He wanted to tell Bek straight away, but he knew he wasn’t allowed. So he told his favourite teddy bear instead.
title .To illustrate the difference in approach between Tasha’s and the PHB, in the PHB a lot ofwas taken to make sure that other than the spellcasting subclasses and hit points the rogue and the fighter could do nothing that was magical and not a spell. This remained through Xanathar’s (with the Arcane Archer being passable as a spellcaster). Meanwhile in Tasha’s each has one psychic subclass (the soulknife and the psychic warrior) and a magical non-caster (the rogue gets the phantom, haunted by and gaining power from the souls of their dead while the fighter gets the rune knight, a distant relation of the artificer that also gives the fighter bonuses outside combat). Oh, and the barbarian gets to be a lycanthrope – or to have wild magic flowing through them which triggers whenever they rage; something that will utterly delight some players.
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