Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2023

Basset Hound Valentines Day Basset Hound Shirt

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title . This would be something my husband would love to do. I can see you doing this to us when we were littl. We need to do this. Torment the girls during the month of October. This  I need to do this when the boys get older but please do this to your girls. I’m tagging you now as I know it’ll show up on your fb eventually. Don’t you dare ever do this to me or I’ll shit both our pants. Too bad we dont have your old dolls, we could really freak nicky out lol. I don’t see you following this halloween trend lol. You’d have 50 of those creeps all over the house. I saved mine for when I had a daughter… Peyton is petrified of them!! So they shall stay in their boxes in my basement. There is another option, prepare yourself cuz this is happening. There is another option.


title .There is  Prepare yourself cuz this is happening. I want them but it’d be cute on y’all more lol. You need these for you and my babies. We’re getting matching spooky jammies. I give adults candy on Halloween, who declared it kids only? Everyone loves candy. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Way to ruin Halloween. I’d much rather my 17 year old daughter make an awesome costume so she can walk around with her little brother (will be 14 by Halloween). She doesn’t eat candy, but still. Neither of them are out doing drugs, looking like a hoochie or having sex so boom. Fork over the freaking treats, Monsters. He has had a journey in life no one will ever fully understand it’s crazy. I don’t like nobody but you It’s like you’re the only one here.

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