Kobrakid Funghoul Jetstar Partypoison shirt .besteestores Living in Palo Alto may have influenced us to like nice things, but it’s also influenced us to pursue our dreams. I’m almost positive that every one of my friends would choose to work (even if they didn’t need to), because we’re ambitious people. We have huge career goals for ourselves and we will stop nowhere short of accomplishing them. Not every teenager gets their own iPhone and laptop, but at the in other words I will buy this same time, the average teenager comes nowhere near to exhibiting the level of hard work and dedication that a Palo Alto teen does. Most people surrounding you are very smart and educated. Kids that grow up here have very high educational standards. They strive to be the very best, and while many times that leads to unbearable stress, it also leads to incredibly innovative and intelligent teenagers. This is especially true for people interested in STEM based jobs. Plenty teens have internships at UCSF and Stanford. There are also plenty of other programs in the area; Stanford has a few summer programs and internship availabilities for teens interested in scientific research and medicine. Silicon Valley is also very active and many kids participate in club sports. They’re so caught up in getting As that they have no clue what makes them happy. Most of the students here don’t even have real friends; if you look at some of these high schools during lunch time, 70% of the students will be sitting on the grass in small circular groups, eyes glued to their phones, small talk occurring every few minutes. Most of these students don’t have many (if any) real friends, because how can you be friends with someone you’re competing against? How can you be a true friend to someone, when every time they get a better grade than you, your jealousy overcomes how much you care for them. How can you be a true friend to someone, when every time you have to submit an assignment, or have a test, you pray they do poorly, because their failures mean all the more chance of you getting into your dream college. How can you be a true friend to someone, when you can’t even tell them your top college choices because you don’t want them to apply and take your spot. When a community like Silicon Valley expects so much of its teenagers, how can you possibly expect them to be themselves?
Classic Women’sLong SleevedUnisex SweatshirtUnisex HoodieClassic Men’sKobrakid Funghoul Jetstar Partypoison shirt .besteestores Being an extremist on either side of the in other words I will buy this political spectrum is bad be it liberalism or conservatism. Many of the people in Silicon Valley are extremely liberal, to the point where they are completely biased and ridiculous in their beliefs and statements. For example, the history classes in Palo Alto are unbelievably biased. The teachers are so worried about being politically correct that we as students suffer, and end up getting an incredibly biased, sheltered, and inaccurate education. Not only that, but most people in Silicon Valley blindly look down upon conservatives. Silicon Valley schools may pride themselves on being accepting, but I have most definitely seen people be ridiculed for holding moderate conservative beliefs. We have no idea what the real world is like. I wasn’t even going to mention it at first because it seemed so normal to me, but the reality is, most people do not have the newest iPhones and iPads. Most people don’t own macbook pros or have their own google glass. It’s not normal for your high school’s parking lot to be filled with cars that cost over $20,000. Not even that, but most families can’t afford to give their children enough money to buy coffee and get lunch at Town and Country an area across the street that features restaurants and shops every day. Some of these things may be little, and we most likely don’t even stop to think about them, but over time, they add up. They’re small things, but they represent an immensely different lifestyle. The area is so expensive that most of our teachers can’t even afford to live within a 20 mile radius of the schools they teach in. Some of them drive over two hours every morning just to get to school. There are also a lot of kids that live in East Palo Alto that attend Palo Alto High School. Their lives are drastically different from ours; there is a huge divide between the kids living in East Palo Alto and between the kids living in Palo Alto. Although people are generally accepting, there is definitely this (often subconscious) idea of them not being “as good” as us. If your parent isn’t an engineer, doctor, or lawyer, then people generally look down on you. It may not be evident in our actions, but it’s definitely what the people around here think. Yes, some do. I know a woman that waited until 40 to have a child. The experience was not at all what she thought it would be, even though she had several nieces and nephews. You Can See More Product:https://teestrends.com/product-category/trending/
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