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Truck I Have Two Titles Mom And Grammy And I Rock Them Both T-shirt . heavenshirt T-shirt under a Salesforce hoodie, she is sitting in a cafe, oblivious of the But I will love this world around her because of the Intuit earphones she won in the recent career fair. She sips hot coffee from a Coursera extra-large mug, while she also has a Google hydro in her Apple backpack from her internship. She uses a Teradata USB type C multi-port hub adaptor to connect her devices to her Macbook Pro. While the code is compiling, she uses a Facebook-branded pen to doodle data structures on a Google notepad for her project – something to do with tries and red-black trees, while she uses Code Hero marker to highlight on research papers. She keeps a Cisco stress ball with her to vent her frustration on. Wearing an Amazon T-shirt under a Salesforce hoodie, she is sitting in a cafe, oblivious of the world around her because of the Intuit earphones she won in the recent career fair. She sips hot coffee from a Coursera extra-large mug, while she also has a Google hydro flask in her Apple backpack from her internship.
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